


2020-07-07 访问量: 11 茶礼仪网

Throughout Chinese history, tea has been seen as one of the seven daily necessities; accompanied by firewood, oil, salt, vinegar, soy sauce, and of course rice.
Today, let's talk about Oolong Tea.
Nowadays, tea can be classified into different types, such as green, yellow, white, oolong, black and Pu-erh.
All are made from the leaves of the same species, Camellia sinensis. The significant differences of tea types derive from growing conditions of the plant, harvesting procedures, and processing of the leaves.
所有的茶都来同一类植物的树叶,这类植物被称之为"Camellia sinensis"。茶之所以有不同类别,是因为植物的生长环境,茶叶的采收方式和加工工艺不同。


Oolong tea is a traditional type of tea in China, very popular throughout Asia. It can be found in restaurants, vending machines, corner shops and supermarkets, and is served both hot and cold.
Oolong tea is semi-oxidized tea, giving a taste between black and green tea. Oolong tea leaves are showing green in the center and red at the edge, and it is commonly called green leaves with red edging.
a widely used ceremonial method of steeping oolongs in China is called gongfucha. 在中国,乌龙茶多以功夫茶的形式冲泡
use a small steeping vessel, such as a gaiwan or Yixing clay teapot 可选盖碗或宜兴紫砂壶等小型冲泡器具
with more tea than usual for the amount of water used 同样的水,投茶量比平时稍多一些
multiple short steeps of 20 seconds to 1 minute are performed 冲泡20秒到1分钟不等
the tea is often served in one- to two-ounce tasting cups 倒入品茗杯(1-2盎司)饮用
a fragrant partially oxidized tea 芳香型半发酵茶
partially oxidized tea;semi-oxidized tea 半发酵茶的2种说法
The terroir of these teas is demonstrated by oolong's floral notes 乌龙茶的香气能反映茶树生长环境的不同
be subtly different according to the orientation, altitude and soil mineral content of the hillside on which the tea is grown.
traditional semi-oxidized Chinese tea 中国传统半发酵茶
wither the plant under strong sun 将鲜叶摊放在太阳下萎凋
degree of oxidation can range from 8
