


2019-03-22 访问量: 35 茶礼仪网










  究其根本差别,熟茶是用晒青毛茶经过发酵制成,这种发酵属于人工发酵;而生茶在储放的过程中发生的是后发酵,是自然发酵。因此生茶就是生茶,熟茶就是熟茶,生茶放久了虽然会转化,变成陈茶或老茶,但是永远不会变成熟茶。即使生茶在后期储放过程中经过人为入仓—— 一种类似熟茶发酵制作手法,但制作出的茶品仍旧和熟茶有明显不同。




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原标题:重走万里茶道 安化黑茶万里茶道行车队抵汉

  人民网武汉10月23日电 10月23日上午,“安化黑茶万里茶道行”车队顺利抵达江城武汉,上午11时许,在武汉举行了安化黑茶重走“万里茶道”纪念活动。

  “万里茶道”是继丝绸之路之后又一条贯通欧亚大陆的国际商道,雏形于明末,兴盛于清代至民国前期。当时南方的茶叶尤其是安化黑茶沿着这条茶路从资江顺流而下,经益阳,过洞庭,入长江, 到武汉(汉口);然后继续北上,经河南、河北、山西、内蒙,穿越草原、沙漠。到达中俄边境的通商口岸恰克图,再经俄罗斯分别进入中亚和欧洲各国,绵延13000多公里。安化是“万里茶道”的重要起点,汉口是“万里茶道”的重要节点和安化黑茶的重要中转地。






First, Anhua dark tea history:

the Anhua dark tea, some spreads the very broad fable. In the ancient times “the Silk Road” on, transported the tea the horse caravan to meet frequently rains, did the tea has been wet, the tea merchant was very at heart sad, discards, was a pity. They to the village which dysentery ran amuck, has died many people. The villagers have not eaten have not drunk. The tea merchant thought that belt's tea long mildew, has not been valuable, gives these pitiful families. Finally the miracle occurs, in village people dysentery entire was good. In fact, the Anhua dark tea's production, must be much earlier than the fable. records according to "the Ming Dynasty history · Food Goods Will": “god ancestor Wanli 13 years (in 1585) ......The tea easy horse, only Hanzhong to guarantee Ningxia, but Hunan produces the tea, its straight inexpensive, the merchant rate border crossing private sells smuggled goods the tea.” the Anhua dark tea is the traditional process commodity which the 1950s produced certainly, mainly as a result of overseas market's procurement, this source area only then could the jade be present in the Anhua mountainous area's wonderful treasure at the beginning of the 21st century, and was all the rage Guangdong and Southeast Asia market. Abundance its prestige, has not been inferior is now big a line of its road Pu'er, is been honored as “the tea culture classics by authority's Taiwan tea book, the tea history concentration, in the tea best quality goods”.

The dark tea's main functionality ingredient is the tea compound multi-carbohydrate compound, this kind of compound by the medical arena was revealed that may adjust in vivo sugar metabolism (prevention diabetes), to reduce the blood fats blood pressure, the anti-blood to congeal, the thrombus, to sharpen organism immunity ability. The clinical trial proof, dark tea's these special functions are remarkable, is other teas cannot substitute. the dark tea soup color's principal constituent is the tea flavine and the Congo red element, the findings indicated that the tea flavine is not only one kind of effective radical scavenger and the oxidation inhibitor, and has the anticancer treatment, the anti-sudden change, the bacteriostasis anti-virus, the improvement and the treatment heart cerebrovascular disease, treats diabetes and so on many kinds of physiological functions. in the tea's mineral element mainly concentrates in the mature leaf, the stem, the stem, the dark tea collects and processes raw material to be old, the mineral element content is higher than other teas. And the fluorine has the obvious curative effect to against dental caries and the prevention old age osteoporosis; The selenium can stimulate the immunoprotein and the immune body production, strengthens the human body to disease's resistivity, and to treats coronary disease, suppresses the cancer cell the occurrence and the development has the remarkable effect, in the tea the selenium content may reach as high as 3.8~6.4mg/kg. the dark tea is one kind of low caffeine healthy drink (raw material maturity is high, cures and so on factors), compares with may happy as well as other teas, the black tea does not affect the sleep. the aging dark tea in the depositing process, a microorganism experience generation of multiplication and metabolism, has produced a series of not well-known small molecular activity material, namely the secondary metabolite, these material forming process is slow, moreover the chemical property is unstable, only then maintains under the original natural condition only then has the special effect to the human body, it has wonder the equally good results from different methods with the millennium ganoderma lucidum in the effect. The Anhua people mostly have this kind of experience, drank the aging black tea treatment stomach trouble effect to be possible saying that was “highly effective”.

this article form:wenda.tianya.cn/wenda/thread?tid=377b6e836e7378fc, ,i changed the article a little ,thanks for 华美组合